Saturday, May 23, 2009

Modifying AtlasO Trucks for Intermountain cars

NOTE:  The pictures disappeared.  I need to dig to find the photos.  They are not easily found on my most recent computer, so for now, I'll see the figures, but no photos.

So while the paint is drying for the ACL Gon, I've decided to slip in a quick project...modifying some AtlasO bettendorfs for use with an Intermountain boxcar kit. The following are the steps to modifying the truck. Note that when dremeling down the center post, that the lip that holds the screws is basically the stopping point in dremeling. There needs to be enough of a metal lip to hold the truck to the underframe.

Incase you don't feel like doing this, it is said that Weaver trucks do fine. (I tried 3R Weaver bettendorfs and the flanges hit the bottom, washers would most definitely be needed for 3R trucks). Jim Weaver from AtlasO says they have the trucks with the low bolsters already made for Intermountain cars. The following took maybe an hour to do for the car.

Figure 1: Basic 2R AtlasO Bettendorf Truck (this trick should apply to 3R trucks as well).

Figure 2: Remove the 2 screws. Then Remove Metal plate. Hold sideframes in place.

Figure 3: Replace screws back into hole. May need glue to help strengthen connection.

Figure 4: The results after dremeling and filing down the center post.

Figure 5: Remember to leave a lip to let the AtlasO Screws hold the truck in place.

Figure 6: Two IM Boxcars with modified trucks. The AtlasO truck screws were self-tapping.

Figure 7: Proper ride height from what I can tell. Shims may be needed for proper kadee height.

Figure 8: Finished product.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I am opening this blog to 'immortalize' records of my activities and accomplishments among O Scale Model Railroading projects that I work on and ultimately complete, both for myself and for others.

I felt that since the OGR Forum does eventually recycles its harddrive and posts are lost forever, that this was the best option. I followed suit with Norm C. and chose this blogspot site as a free option.

Looking forward to keeping track of my progress on my many projects and hopefully this will become a great resource to those that may be interested in 3R O Scale.